Dec 2021: Digital Assets: Bitcoin, Blockchain & NFTs

First Friday Video Series

Digital assets are both disrupting and reshaping the world of art and finance. Bitcoin, blockchain technology, decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens are just a few of the buzzwords we now hear on a daily basis.

Mark DiMichael, partner with Citrin Cooperman Advisors, leads an in-depth presentation and Q&A on the innovative technologies behind digital assets, including these topics:

  • Origins of Bitcoin and other digital assets
  • Explanation of the decentralized model
  • Why are digital assets worth anything?
  • Non-fungible tokens and how they are revolutionizing the art world
  • Decentralized finance
  • How do people make money with crypto assets?
  • What large corporations are already accepting crypto currencies?

About Mark DiMichael

Mark DiMichael is a partner in the Forensic, Litigation and Valuation Services Department at Citrin Cooperman. His areas of expertise include divorce litigation, economic damages analysis, fraud investigation, cryptocurrency/digital assets, white collar criminal defense and business appraisals.

Citrin Cooperman is a top-25 nationally recognized full-service assurance, tax and advisory firm with offices throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, India, and the Cayman Islands.

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