A membership-based, events-oriented non-profit organization promoting
technology and its understanding on Cape Cod, the Islands, and in Southeastern Massachusetts.
Cape Cod Technology Council
Upcoming CCTC Events
Member-Hosted Events
Cape Cod Technology Council Members are Leaders, Experts and Advisors Driving Technology Entrepreneurship, Education, Innovation and Policy on Cape Cod.
Cape Light Compact is your trusted, local energy resource, providing energy efficiency programs, renewable power supply, and consumer advocacy. Start with a Home or Business Energy Assessment from the Compact to learn how you can make your space more energy efficient and comfortable, while reducing its environmental impact.Visit CapeLightCompact.org or call 1-800-797-6699.
Cape Cod 5 is recognized nationally as a top employer and is a leading community bank committed to being a trusted financial partner by providing objective advice and an array of banking products and services for individuals and businesses. Cape Cod 5 continues to work collaboratively with community partners to positively impact our communities while furthering efforts to support sustainability in our region. Member FDIC capecodfive.com
OpenCape Corporation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit technology company that owns and operates a state-of-the-art 100% Fiber Optic Network built to serve local governments, businesses, and residents of Cape Cod, the Islands and Southeastern Massachusetts. Our focus is to drive economic development, offer choice, and work to close the digital divide. Thanks to OpenCape, one of our sustaining sponsors. opencape.org