In accordance with Article VII, Section 2 of the By-Laws of the Cape Cod Technology Council, Inc. (“the Council”), a Nominating Committee was duly appointed and has presented a slate of nominees to the Council’s Board of Directors and a slate of nominee for the Council’s Officers. Additional nominations to the Board of Directors may be made by members in good standing from the floor at the annual meeting. The annual meeting of the Council has been set by the Board of Directors for Thursday April 17, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at Alberto’s Risorante in Hyannis, Massachusetts.
The following members of the Council have agreed to serve as members of the Board of Directors:
For an additional one year term ending in 2015
Janel Simms, New England Reprographics
David Willard, Cape Cod 5
Gerry Nye, Town of Sandwich
For an additional three year term ending in 2017
Mary Claffey, Steamship Authority
Douglas Denninger, Attorney
Paula Hersey, Cape Cod Community Media Center
Fred Rice, The Nauset Group, Inc.
For a first three year term ending in 2017
Rodrigo Passos, Dative
The following members of the Council have agreed to serve as Officers with terms to expire in 2015:
Paula Hersey, Cape Cod Community Media Center, President and Chair of the Board
Terry Duenas, Cape Cod Community Media Center, Vice-Chair
Len Egan, L.J. Egan Associates, Secretary/Clerk
Fred Rice, The Nauset Group, Inc., Treasurer