
OpenCape Slated to Receive $1.7M from IT Bond Bill

Projects from local technology nonprofit will help build internet connectivity in Cape communities with a particular focus on the Outer and Lower Cape. OpenCape is a member of the Cape…

CCTC supports Vineyard Wind in comments to BOEM

The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) recently had a public comment period regarding Vineyard Wind’s plan to install an offshore wind facility south of Martha’s Vineyard. The CCTC…

July Infrastructure: NOAA Fisheries Science Center

At the meeting in July, the Infrastructure Committee discussed a proposal by Congressman Kennedy to move NOAA Fisheries Science Center from Woods Hole to New Bedford. This is relevant to…

June Infrastructure: Comcast on the Cape

Comcast representatives Mike Galla, Jonathan DuBois, Michael Belcher, and Brian Jenson attended the Infrastructure Committee’s June meeting. They were invited as part of the Committee’s efforts to improve internet connectivity…
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