
Bringing ocean technologies to the marketplace

When technologies are developed during research, do they ever see the light of day? Bringing ocean technologies from the lab to the marketplace (and how you might be a part…

March Infrastructure: Crowd Fiber

Members of the Infrastructure Committee attended the Falmouth municipal broadband meeting, along with many people from the community people. Falmouth is one of the only towns on the Cape planning…

First Friday: Mobile in 2020

Bob Egan, chief analyst and CEO of the Sepharim Group of Falmouth, has worked with over 2,000 enterprises during his 30 years of focus on mobile and wireless. A globally…

February infrastructure: things in the works

In February’s Infrastructure Committee meeting we revisited grid modernization, and had updates on Last Mile including an upcoming workshop in Falmouth. CCTC General Counsel has looked at Memorandum of Understanding…

January Infrastructure: grid modernization

At the January meeting, the Infrastructure Committee updated members on grid modernization. To comply with an order from the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, Eversource must update its grid modernization…

Infrastructure Committee: November update

Steve Johnston, the new Executive Director at Open Cape joined us for the Infrastructure Committee’s November meeting. He discussed Open Cape’s new web-site which is expected to launch in mid-December.…

The Technology of Keeping Fit

In preparation for Thanksgiving and the holidays, the Cape Cod Technology Council’s November First Friday Breakfast speaker was Tim Calise, of Koko FitClub. Koko FitClub is a digital gym founded…

CC Times on Startup Weekend Blue

The CCTC, along with our SmarterCape Partners, is advancing the Blue Economy concept for Cape Cod, including sponsoring and organizing for StartupWeekend Blue, talking place November 21–23 at the Woods Hole…
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