Membership Structure

Click here to join or renew your membership.  

Partner Sponsor Enterprise Business Solo Pro
Annual Fee $2500 $1500 $750 $250 $75
Prime sponsor banner on CCTC website and newsletter
Annual focus story in newsletter, website
CCTC First Friday Series Sponsorship (one only)*
Side Sponsor Banner Ad on website
Submit job listings for CCTC website and newsletter
Relevant company press releases on website/newsletter
CCTC First Friday Sponsorship (1 of 11) or Social Sponsor (1 of 4)*
CCTC website profile page
Voluntary participation in council speakers’ bureau
Attend member-only forums & roundtables
CCTC website directory listing  √
Employee memberships +15 +10 +5 +1
Priority access and discounts for all Council programming and events
Opportunities to meet others with interests, business in technology
Collaborative relationships with other tech organizations allowing Council members access to broader events, organizations

*Sponsor & Partner levels can choose one of the following: Series Sponsorship, Premium Sponsor.
Your renewal is now based on your anniversary date.


Click here to join or renew your membership.  

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