Mar 8- SNEEF: Financing Options for Start-Ups

The Southern New England Entrepreneurial Forum (SNEEF) will present “Financing Options for Start-Ups” on Thursday, March 8th, 2012, 5:30-8:00 p.m., at the Advanced Technology & Manufacturing Center, 151 Martine Street, Fall River.

The principal speaker will be Martin Omansky, Managing Partner of Crucible Advisors, and a former venture fund manager and investment professional who also established an entrepreneurial operating company and a business consultancy.  He has more than 25 years experience as an entrepreneur, inventor, investment banker, and venture capital fund manager.  Since closing his Boston-based venture fund, Crucible Ventures, he has been advising growth companies in the Eastern United States, and has been active as a panel member in venture forums and a judge in business plan competitions in the Boston area.

Panelists will be Grafton “Cap” Willey, CPA, a prominent accountant and nationally-recognized authority on small business finance, and Daniel Guglielmo, J.D., a lawyer specializing in tax and estate matters.  Willey is the Managing Director in Charge of CBIZ Tofias’ Newport Office and a member of the Tax Group, with more than 30 years of experience as a tax accountant and consultant to privately-held business owners.  Guglielmo has written widely on the subject and has advised hundreds of clients in the selling of businesses and the management of retirement assets.

This Forum will be a detailed session, with a view toward educating attendees in the arcane, mysterious, and frustrating world of early-stage financing.  The speakers will also address the realities of institutional and bank financing, and the financial and tax implications of early action when business owners and investors liquidate their interests.

Become an annual member of SNEEF at UMass Dartmouth for only $75, and attend the forum free.  Event non-member cost is $20 in advance, $25 at the door, includes light supper.  Register at

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