Not your parent’s vocational school
Presenter: Robert P. Sanborn II, Superintendent
Friday, March 4, 2011 7:30 – 9:00 AM
Hyannis Golf Club, Route 132 off of Route 6, exit 6, Hyannis, MA
Cost: $25 per CCTC member; $35 per non-member
Online signup below. Or email us to make your reservation. Please RSVP by Wed, Mar 2.
Robert “Bob” Sanborn was appointed Superintendent / Director of Cape Cod Regional Technical High School in Harwich in July 2010 after serving as the school’s Business Manager for six years. Prior to that, he was a teacher in the Business Department for ten years. He is keenly aware of the role of the school in shaping young entrepreneurs and inventors, and is working to change the perception that a “voc school” is for students that are academically weak.
During Bob’s First Friday presentation he will inform the audience of the school’s mission and current initiatives to meet students’ needs, be responsive to the job market, and be a community resource.
Some examples of these initiatives include:
- The Tech School is part of public education’s open enrollment system and students from all over Cape Cod are welcome to apply to attend. AND there is a waiting list.
- Shops at the school include hands-on training in 18 different disciplines including marine services, graphic arts, health technologies and information technology.
- The Tech School leases the “Mall” for community events such as the annual quilters’ guild show, the Lower Cape Home & Garden EXPO and numerous fund raising fairs held by student groups from the area.
When asked about emerging technologies, Bob said rapid advances in biotechnology, renewable energy technologies and nanotechnology will need to be considered in the near future.
Bob grew up in Holyoke, MA and received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He received his teaching certificate from Westfield State College and a Master’s in Educational Administration from University of Massachusetts at Lowell.
Bob, his wife Mary and their 3 children (ages 7, 10 and 13) live in Yarmouthport. When asked what he would do if he had a time machine he said “I would go back to the time of the American Revolution to try to learn enough to keep up with my thirteen year old son.”