Presented by James Mannion
Region II Manager at the MA Emergency Management Agency
Friday, July 8, 2011 7:30 – 9:00 AM
Hyannis Golf Club, Route 132 off of Route 6, exit 6, Hyannis, MA
Cost: $25 per CCTC member; $35 per non-member
Online signup below. Or email us to make your reservation. Please RSVP by Wed, July 6.
Cape Codders take tough weather in stride. After all, the wind blows all the time, there seems to be no spring, it can be stiflingly hot and humid in the summer, and ocean effect snow storms pop up unannounced in winter. But the one weather event that gets everyone’s attention is the threat of a hurricane.
Just in time for this year’s August/September hurricane season, our July “Second Friday” speaker is MEMA’s Region II Manager James Mannion. He will discuss the technology used to track hurricanes and to alert people about how to respond and recover in the event of landfall of a major hurricane.
About the presenter: Mr. Mannion previously served as Regional and then Lead Planner in the Nuclear Preparedness Department at MEMA, which oversees planning, training, equipment and exercises to support a radiological emergency response for state populations within 10-mile emergency planning zones surrounding nuclear power stations (including Pilgrim Station in Plymouth). Previously he was a transportation planner at Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates in Boston.
Earlier this year Mr. Mannion undertook added training at the National Hurricane Center in Miami. He is based at the Region II headquarters in Bridgewater, MA.