Cape Cod Regional Tech High School launches entrepreneurial program

Cape Cod Regional Technical High School is pleased to announce the launch of an after-school entrepreneurship program.  The program is dedicated to creating the next generation of entrepreneurs through the vocational education system.  The program will emphasize mentoring as well as education in order to provide students with insight on what its like to be an entrepreneur.  The program begins on Wednesday, January 11.  Phil Beauregard, CEO of Objective Logistics, will be the first speaker.  Other speakers scheduled to speak include Cape Cod Technology Council Executive Committee member Kyle Hinkle and General Counsel Eugene Curry.

The events will run between January 11 and May 23.  If you would like to know more about this program, please feel free to contact Karl Kern or Bob Sanborn.  Karl can be reached via e-mail at and Bob can be reached via e-mail at .

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